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Self-Love is the most powerful Healing. Cultivate it,

Surrender to your inner being ...


I grew up in the woods at my grandparents' house, climbing trees, telling myself a thousand and one tales, ranging from Freebooters to Pirates, Cowboys to Indians. During my little escapades, I would indulge in an activity that I particularly enjoyed: the exploration of the Guadeloupean countryside.

I was all alone in the middle of an extraordinary greenery. Although intimidated by the immensity of this tropical flora that was descending before my eyes, I was no less curious to discover what it could offer me.


That is how I began my field of experimentation. Everything happened there. Fruits of various colours and shapes, plants mixed in cane juice, ochre-coloured muddy pasta sprinkled with pomegranate seeds, I was in exaltation.  Very often, surprising tastes left me perplexed, a grimace on the face, a dry mouth...but also that of ecstasy when tasting a rosy mango or a country apricot. I studied " Rasa " or tastes in Ayurveda without knowing it.

I spent an incredible amount of time crushing grains between two stones as mortar, I let flowers, leaves infuse in water patiently waiting for the alchemy to emerge ... Every day, I went to see my trees, they were my patients. I spoke to them, asked them how they were and they answered me. The invisible world seemed more real to me than ever. I was connected to dimensions that allowed me to catch a glimpse of a world of colours and geometric, kaleidoscopic shapes. I discovered the energies and the vibrations of this world.

I devoted myself to take care of my little living beings, I inserted my potions into the trunks with recommendations. Ayurveda vibrated in me. It is necessary to say that I was brought up in a family where for decades "Sidha medicine" had been practiced without naming it. It was an obvious fact. So I learned the properties of plants, recipes for potions, different massage techniques, recognise the energy centres, the lunar phases for rituals with my grandparents and especially my grandmother.


At that time I was 6 years old, and I was far from imagining that from this experience my passion would be born, which is why I vibrate with all my heart today. I already had, without knowing it, the fibre of a doctor passionate about herbs and the therapeutic combinations of well-being.

The particularity of this apprenticeship was enriched by a research combining mystery and ambiguity because my cartoons were Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, where the assimilation to this science seemed to be more that of the naughty and wicked witch than that of the nice doctor who cures sores.  My memory cells were full of the stories of these women who were burned alive for their great knowledge of nature, plants and potions.


Time passed...I worked in several sectors of activities, which were structured as time went by, like a puzzle that I have been able to put together for 6 years under an activity that I practice with dedication.


A succession of diplomas has allowed me to build up my knowledge. I have been able to combine my experience as a spiritual coach, doctor of Ayurveda, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Therapist, with several massage techniques, allowing me today to offer a complete quality of care, touching the being in all its dimensions.


I remain intuitively connected to my emotions, to those of my patients because I cannot hide the dimensions of the invisible world where Prana, Chi or Ka, our ultimate essence, is located. 

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